Find out more about
sponsoring questions
on next year's survey
Find out more about
sponsoring questions
on next year's survey
How has the Brexit vote affected Scottish independence?
68% felt they belonged to
their local area a great deal
or quite a lot.
68% felt they belonged to
their local area a great deal
or quite a lot.
Scotland more tolerant
of outsiders and people
not like them
Scotland more tolerant
of outsiders and people
not like them
Football is the most commonly
mentioned factor people believe
contributes to
sectarianism in Scotland
Football is the most commonly
mentioned factor people believe
contributes to
sectarianism in Scotland
76% of people in Scotland know
someone with dementia
Find out more about
dementia in Scotland
76% of people in Scotland know
someone with dementia
Find out more about
dementia in Scotland
Women’s views of
independence in 2014
Why did fewer women
support independence?
Women’s views of
independence in 2014
Why did fewer women
support independence?